Friday, August 12, 2011

Are doctors retarded or is my sickness all in my head?

Ok. I have to lay out a little history here for you to understand. I started getting realIly sick when I was pregnant with my youngest son. My back was always hurting really bad and I felt that something was wrong, but the doctors told me I was fine. I kept going into preterm labor and they had to keep me on meds to stop it. I finally had him a month early but he was ok. I was not however. I was put on so many medicines over the next year and then called all kinds of things including medicine seeker, faker, hypochondriac etc. I was very upset because I knew something was wrong. I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant and it never went all the way away. My sugar is high every other time I get a blood test, but the docs seem to think that's ok. My heart also started beating too fast. I was finally put on a heart and a diabetes medication. My heart slowed down and my diabetes eased up. (My sugar is still high on every third or fourth blood test). My heart rate stayed at 145bpm and docs said that was ok. Then my heart rate jumped to 265bpm one day and they had to do a cardioversion. It sucked, but my heart rate went down to 135 and stayed there. Then all hell broke loose. I started having terrible pain all over. My stomach and back hurt really bad and I started throwing up all the time. The docs kept me in the hospital a few times, then let me go home. (Mind you at this time I had my appendix out already). I kept going back with terrible pains and throwing up. They gave me meds to stop the nausea and sent me home with pain meds. I didn't get better. Then they found that I had a very large ovary from a cyst gone crazy, so they drained it. Pardon this, but I also developed a heavy menstrual flow that did not stop. They found that my uterus was HUGE and took it out along with the cervix since there were early stage cancer cells. Then my left ovary started acting up and developing cysts, so they took THAT out. I started to grow scar tissue that messed up my insides and made bowel obstructions, so they fixed that and wrapped it all up in mesh to stop that problem. This was all within a few short months. I was EXHAUSTED!! The sickness and pain did not stop, so they went through months of putting me on psychiatric meds including valium. I started having NEW symptoms. I started having numbness and tingling in my left arm at first, then it moved to my right side and I even got sent to the ICU one day when my whole body went numb and I fell to the floor in a heap. My right eye went dark for a few hours and it took two days to get all the feeling back. They did millions of tests and they all came back ok. They sent me home. They finally put me on a heart med cause of the tachycardia and that helped take away the numbness problems. Next, I started getting really dizzy and started throwing up in spite of the nausea meds. I was still in alot of pain all the time and I was so tired. I really reached a low point and wanted to just die and get it over with. I got called all the names again since all the tests were coming up ok according to the docs. Then I developed a pericardial effusion (that's fluid in the sac surrounding the heart). They did alot more blood tests and sent me to all the specialists you can imagine including rheumatology. Nothing. They did a pericardial tap and took out the fluid. The tests came back with no answers. I was quite frustrated. I knew I was really really sick, but nothing was telling me anything. I live in a small town and the nurses at the hospital were getting mean with me and starting rumors about how I was just wanting drugs. It sucked. Then I got (pardon me for real) unending diarrhea. They did a nuclear scan and found that my gallbladder was not functioning AT ALL!! So, another surgery and it was out. Then two weeks later I broke my three ribs on that same side as the surgery. (boy did THAT suck!) Then because of the dizziness, I ped out in my bathroom, fell into the tub and broke my tailbone. Yes, by this time I was still having dizziness, nausea, vomiting, pain, diarrhea,and insomnia. BAD BAD BAD. I have lived that way for MONTHS now. Out of the blue a few months ago, I had a grand mal seizure. (tonic clonic). Again, more meds and more tests..... all normal. (When symptoms stopped bothering me or went away, I stopped meds that could interact on my own cause I HATE taking meds. When I told the docs, they said that was ok. ) AND.... finally..... I know, it's alot..... three weeks ago, I got confused and forgot who I was etc. and spent a day at the hospital I don't remember. I found out later after I was home. I still have no idea what happened to me. I was told by family. I called the doc and he told me that I had a lupus test that came back positive. I told MY doc and they just said, well, let's do nothing since it is not causing problems. Can you imagine my dumbfounded look on my face? yeah. Then I got hit with pain so bad a few weeks later (two weeks ago) and I went to the h

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