Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Motion Sickness driving/watching TV, mild headaches?

Hi, any one ever experience this? Sometimes when I am watching tv i feel like i can't concentrate/focus on the screen, like i have to look away for a second, like a mild motion sickness feeling. It can also occur when I am driving or on my PC at work. Its not constant and i might not get it for weeks at a time. Its hard to explain, its like i feel a little dizzy or woozy. My sight itself seems fine, a tiny bit blurry but barely noticeable. And then it will be gone totally. Its just more unpleasant and annoying than anything. I am getting married soon, maybe its stress realted with financial worries? altho i think i have it a while now. i rarely get head aches alto sometimes this will accompany a mild pressure headache, but not always, not even usually. Its more slight dizziness, mild nausea and difficulty focusing. Like motion sickness. Any ideas? I only started wearing gles in the last 18 months and I dont recall this problem prior to that. I am long sited. Thanks, Duncan

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